The importance of Mid-Line Development

Mid-Line Development in Nursery School Children - Bramley Nursery School, Johannesburg

There is an imaginary line called the mid-line which runs down the centre of the human body and basically divides the body into the left and right sides. Nursery school aged children are at an age where the development and the practicing of the ability to cross the mid-line becomes an important developmental aspect.

Fun Fashion Day 2016

Fun Fashion Day 2016 - Bramley Nursery School

The Bramley Nursery School held our Fun Fashion Day on 28th October 2016. This is an annual event in which we ask that the children get dressed up for the day with only one request - "anything goes".

Ballet Class of 2015

Ballet Class of 2015

Liora Kramer of Liora's Ballet school continues her teaching of Ballet at the Bramley Nursery School.
The simple instruction and encouragement promotes movement to music, whilst introducint the children to the basics of Ballet.