Tips for spending 5 minutes and improving your relationship with your child

Spending Quality Time wuth Kids

As parents, caregivers, grandparents, and almost anyone that has children in their care these days, we sometimes end up not spending quality time with our kids. I would go so far as to say that we overlook what the meaning of quality time may be, or perhaps, the perception of what a child considers to be quality time somehow becomes a little vague to us.

This short video was 'eye-opening' in a way, and almost highlights the differences between looking after and caring for your child.
A parent has food to make, errands to run, clothes to wash amongst numerous other parenting chores, which turns out to be more time which you spend on your child, but how often do you spend time with your child.

There are some basic ideas of what can be achieved in 5 minutes highlighted in the video. Next time you're waiting for the food on the stove to be ready and have a few minutes - why not try one?